
An Income investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of liquidity and/or stability. Typically, an Income investor primarily seeks to minimize risk and loss of principal. Generally, low-risk portfolios have minimal equity exposure or no equity exposure, resulting in far less volalitity and in turn the probability of capital loss is less likely.



ASISA South African MA Income Category Average


Platform Availability

ABSA, Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, Stanlib & iRetire

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A Cautious investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of liquidity and/or stability. Typically, a Cautious investor primarily seeks to minimize risk and loss of principal. Generally low risk portfolios have minimal equity exposure, resulting in far less volatility and in turn the probability of capital loss is less likely.


ASISA South African MA Low Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

ABSA, Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, Old Mutual Wealth, PPS, Stanlib & iRetire

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A Moderate investor values reducing risk and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept moderate levels of risk to seek higher long-term returns. A Moderate investor may endure a short-term loss of principal in exchange for long-term appreciation. This portfolio generally holds more equity exposure than low risk portfolios. In turn the expected volatility is higher than low risk portfolios.


ASISA South African MA High Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

ABSA, Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, Old Mutual Wealth, PPS, Stanlib & iRetire

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A high risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility.


ASISA South African Equity General Category Average

Platform Availability

ABSA, Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, Old Mutual Wealth, PPS & Stanlib

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A high risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility.


ASISA South African Equity General Category Average

Platform Availability

ABSA, Allan Gray, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, PPS, Stanlib & Old Mutual Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A High risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility


ASISA Global MA High Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

ABSA, Glacier, Momentum, Ninety One, Stanlib & Old Mutual Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A low cost, global passive portfolio, that has been designed to outperform the ASISA Global EQ General benchmark and is thus suitable to an investor with a high appetite for risk and a need to achieve long-term growth and geographic diversification of returns measured in ZAR. The portfolio is comprised of a selection of top rated passive trackers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks. During the ongoing management process, geographical, sector and asset allocation tilts are made, based on current global market and economic conditions, with the goal of outperforming the chosen benchmark.


ASISA Global Equity General (EQ General)

Platform Availability

Stockbrocking Account (No LISP directly)

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A low cost, global passive portfolio, that has been designed to outperform the ASISA Global EQ General benchmark and is thus suitable to an investor with a high appetite for risk and a need to achieve long-term growth and geographic diversification of returns measured in ZAR. The portfolio is comprised of a selection of top rated passive trackers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks. During the ongoing management process, geographical, sector and asset allocation tilts are made, based on current global market and economic conditions, with the goal of outperforming the chosen benchmark.


ASISA Global Equity General (EQ General)

Platform Availability

Stockbrocking Account (No LISP directly)

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024



A Cautious investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of liquidity and/or stability. Typically, a Cautious investor primarily seeks to minimize risk and loss of principal. Generally low risk portfolios have minimal equity exposure, resulting in far less volatility and in turn the probability of capital loss is less likely.


ASISA Global MA Low Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

Capital International Group, Glacier International, Old Mutual International, Momentum International & Credo Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


High risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility.


ASISA Global MA High Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

Capital International Group, Glacier International, Old Mutual International, Momentum International & Credo Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A High risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility.


ASISA Global Equity General Category Average

Platform Availability

Capital International Group, Glacier International, Old Mutual International, Momentum International & Credo Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


The i² Global Cautious Solution has been designed to achieve a benchmark of the ASISA Global MA Low Equity category average at high levels of volatility and is thus suitable to an investor with a low appetite for risk and a need to generate income whilst preserving capital. This is a low equity solution with a flexible mandate to invest in various regions, asset classes and currencies and comprises of a selection of top rated, award winning fund managers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks.


ASISA Global MA Low Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

Glacier Int, Ninety One Int, Momentum Wealth Int, OMI

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


The i² Global Growth Solution has been designed to achieve a benchmark of ASISA Global Equity General category average and is thus suitable to an investor with a high appetite for risk and a need to achieve long-term capital growth. This is a high equity solution with a flexible mandate to invest in various regions and currencies and comprises of a selection of top rated, award winning fund managers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks.


ASISA Global Equity General Category Average

Platform Availability

Credo, Glacier Int, Momentm Wealth Int, Ninety One Int, OMI

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


The i² Global Moderate Solution has been designed to achieve a benchmark of the ASISA Global MA High Equity category average at high levels of volatility and is thus suitable to an investor with a high appetite for risk and a need to achieve long-term growth and geographic diversification of returns measured in US dollar terms. The solution is comprised of a selection of top rated, award winning fund managers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks.


ASISA Global MA High Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

Credo, Glacier Int, Moentum Wealth Int, Ninety One Int, OMI

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024



A Moderate investor values reducing risk and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept moderate levels of risk to seek higher long-term returns. A Moderate investor may endure a short-term loss of principal in exchange for long-term appreciation. This portfolio generally holds more equity exposure than low risk portfolios. In turn the expected volatility is higher than low risk portfolios.


ASISA South African MA High Equity category average

Platform Availability


factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


High risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility.


ASISA Global MA High Equity Category Average

Platform Availability

Capital International Group, Glacier International, Old Mutual International, Momentum International & Credo Wealth

factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024



A Cautious investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of liquidity and/or stability. Typically, a Cautious investor primarily seeks to minimize risk and loss of principal. Generally low risk portfolios have minimal equity exposure, resulting in far less volatility and in turn the probability of capital loss is less likely. The solutions have a specific bias toward fund managers offering product integration benefits, bonusses and incentives, thus optimising the product design benefits.



ASISA South African MA Low Equity category average


Platform Availability


factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A Moderate investor values reducing risk and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept moderate levels of risk to seek higher long-term returns. A Moderate investor may endure a short-term loss of principal in exchange for long-term appreciation. This portfolio generally holds more equity exposure than low risk portfolios. In turn the expected volatility is higher than low risk portfolios. The solutions have a specific bias toward fund managers offering product integration benefits, bonusses and incentives, thus optimising the product design benefits.


ASISA South African MA High Equity category average

Platform Availability


factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024


A high risk investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept higher levels of risk. A High risk investor may endure large losses in favour of potentially higher long-term returns. Generally, these portfolios hold more equity exposure than any other risk profiled portfolios and therefore tend to carry higher volatility. The solutions have a specific bias toward fund managers offering product integration benefits, bonusses and incentives, thus optimising the product design benefits.


ASISA South African Equity General category average

Platform Availability


factsheet Monthly Factsheet Updated October 2024

The i² range of solutions is constructed by a professional independent investment committee who is tasked with the selection and ongoing review of the specific underlying funds, thus continually ensuring that the correct blend of unit trust funds is combined to achieve the desired risk adjusted returns.

The portfolio is comprised of a selection of top rated, award winning fund managers with exceptional track records in achieving their respective benchmarks.

Our Partners

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